January 2025 Guest Expert Workshop (AAHC)
An Akashic Experience with Alee Reina Hoffman, AADP
Soul Channel and Akashic Records Guide
Many seekers and practitioners have been doing the work of healing and integration for years and feel confident in their ability to be bright lights in the world... until it comes to the topic of their family of origin.
While it is the experiences inside of our family that usually initiates our soul-led path, we may not know how to return home with the gifts of our journey without feeling regressed or invisible, causing us to dread family events or avoid them altogether.
As the medicine women of our lineage in a world that doesn't always remember, we might also find ourselves martyred by the cause: feeling like we are always there to help, support, and hold the karmic pain, while wondering when it will be our time to live and our turn to receive.
In this Akashic mentorship circle and energetic activation we will cover:
What the Akashic Records are and how they can ease tension, clear confusion and heal heartache around your family story.
The spiritual calling of being chosen to lead, heal and support your origin family in times of crisis, and how not to lose yourself in the process- when in fact there is so much to receive.
How to recognize your lineage through your family tree so that you can activate the wisdom and prosperity that is there for you when connected to both.
Experience a powerful healing and energetic attunement with The Akashic Records. It will be a family reunion you won't want to miss
Energy Exchange: $30.00 (included in the Astro-Ancestral Healing Collective)
Learn more and save your spot here.