Discover Your Personal Plant Allies With AmyJo Davies
The Astro-Ancestral Healing Collective is excited to announce a guest workshop with AmyJo Davies on August 30th, 2023 at 3pm PST/6pm EST. AmyJo is a “Renaissance Woman” with a rich background in performance art, fashion design, education, and business coaching. She is an expert in Gaian Consciousness, Womb blessings, and plant-based healing, and has shifted her focus to designing journeys into the deep feminine mysteries to discover a new way of BE-ing in business and in life.
In this workshop, titled "Co-regulating with Earth Elements," AmyJo will be calling in our planetary ancestors of Earth, the Elements, and plants who are our friends and allies. Participants will learn about the scientific and spiritual basis of understanding the planet as a living being with a soul and intelligence, discover their own personal Plant or Nature Being Allies, and learn to work with the Elemental Archetypes and how to incorporate these energies into their daily practice.
AmyJo is also building a community food forest with a medicinal/native plants learning garden and pollinator sanctuary on Oregon's North Coast, where she continues to learn from the Nature Beings as a steward to local native and honey bees. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from AmyJo and connect with the Earth and its elements in a deeper way.
This exciting opportunity to experience AmyJo’s incredible medicine is for members of the Astro-Ancestral Healing Collective ONLY. And, it’s not too late to join us! This community is a sacred space devoted to empowering female-bodied “cycle-breakers” to embody transformation of deep ancestral wounds/patterns (codependency, enmeshment, toxic shame, sexual trauma etc.) into creative potential and shifts to higher consciousness with astrology and pleasure as medicine. Learn more about all the membership perks and join our collective here for ONLY $55.00 a month.
I hope to see you at the workshop on 8/30!
Peace & love,