Embrace Your Power: Insights for the New Moon in Scorpio
Get ready for a New Moon in Scorpio on November 13th! This powerful new cycle is filled with potential and mystery. At each new moon, the Sun and Moon are conjunct (next to) one another, and the sky is at its darkest. However, it's important to be aware of the potential volatility and recklessness that may arise due to its conjunction to Mars in Scorpio and opposition to Uranus Rx in Taurus. To effectively navigate this energy, it's essential to stay connected to your emotions and fearlessly explore deeper fears within yourself.
Scorpio is the sign of fixed water. It's a passionate, intuitive, and sometimes very secretive sign. The highest expression of this astrological archetype is deep emotional sensitivity balanced with logic. Scorpio is concerned with truth, intimacy (sex & money we share with others), and transformation. During this new moon, pay close attention to your personal planets (Sun, Moon, & Mars) as they are connected to your motivations. Objectively assessing them can lead to newfound freedom. The trine to Neptune Rx in Pisces offers a compassionate perspective, allowing you to approach situations with empathy and understanding.
The conjunction of the Sun and Mars in Scorpio, in a trine to Neptune retrograde in Pisces, can help soften our reflexes and facilitate the movement of intense energy. Additionally, the sextile to Pluto in Capricorn affirms powerful shifts and transformation during this time.
At the same time, it's important to be mindful of Mercury in Sagittarius squaring Saturn in Pisces, as you might feel mentally exhausted. Counterbalance this energy by embracing the sextile between Mercury and Venus in her home sign of Libra, which promotes self-love and the cutting of ties that no longer serve you.
The overarching theme of this New Moon in Scorpio is purging and completing in order to fully embrace your power.
Join us for the "New Moon in Scorpio Pleasure Practice & Ciara Dance Party" on November 13th at 5pm PST/8pm EST on Zoom. This event is an invitation for female-bodied “cycle-breakers” to celebrate the energy of the New Moon in Scorpio and engage in a joyful and empowering experience. You are always welcome to use the “Crystal Egg”, my favorite tool for embodied transformation, but it is always optional. The energy exchange for this event is $10.00, but it is free for members of the "Astro-Ancestral Healing Collective".
For more details and to RSVP, visit this link.
We are excited to connect and celebrate with you!
Peace & love,