Unlocking Spiritual Growth and Emotional Healing: Full “Blue” Moon in Pisces

This Full “Blue” Moon in Pisces (a “blue” moon is a rare second full moon in a calendar month), coming up this Wednesday, August 30th, is a powerful time for spiritual growth, emotional healing, and setting healthy boundaries. This moon encourages us to connect with our intuition and higher self, while remaining grounded in reality and taking action to protect ourselves from those who would do us harm. It is a time for introspection, reflection, and creative expression.

Pisces is known for its dreamy, romantic, and artistic energy, so this moon invites us to let our imaginations run wild and be open to divine downloads. However, it is important to approach this with caution and mindfulness, as Pisces is also the master of illusion. To stay grounded in reality, take actual notes and avoid becoming lost in fantastical notions.

This Full Moon also has an emotional and healing aspect to it, promoting compassion and forgiveness towards those who have wronged us. However, it is crucial to set up boundaries with bullies and stand up for ourselves when necessary. The presence of Saturn close to the Full Moon reminds us of this and brings a process of completion and energetic responsibilities that can be transformed into angelic support.

To navigate the energetics of the Full Blue Moon in Pisces, it is important to connect with your higher self, trust your intuition, and stay grounded in reality. Take time for introspection, reflect on your emotions, and use creative expression as an outlet. Remember to set up healthy boundaries with those who would do you harm and use the energy of this moon to promote compassion and forgiveness.

*To learn more about astrology and how to navigate the cosmos, from an ancestral healing perspective, download my free ebook, "Navigating The Cosmos: A Cycle-Breaker's Guide To Astrology Basics". This ebook is a great resource for anyone interested in exploring astrology and its impact on our lives, especially our ancestral healing journeys.

May the energy of the Full Blue Moon in Pisces bring you spiritual growth, emotional healing, and a deeper connection to your intuition!

Peace & love,



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Virgo Vibes: Blending Surface Design, Ancestral Healing, Consulting, and Astrology