Working With The Energy Of The New Moon In Gemini

This upcoming new moon in Gemini on June 17th/18th is a powerful time for releasing limiting mental patterns we’ve inherited from our ancestors. As this new moon is squaring Neptune in Pisces, we are could feel a call to get back into our bodies for grounding and to connect with our spiritual selves.

Gemini is the sign of mutable air associated with mental energy - our thoughts, consciousness, beliefs, and communication. It is a mutable air sign that is adaptable, fun, social, and endlessly entertaining. However, in its lower expression, it can be indecisive, overly intellectual, disconnected from the heart, and prone to loose talk.

The planet Neptune is associated with spirituality, past lives, intuition, dreams, addiction, delusions, forgiveness and the energy of dissolving. It is the planetary ruler of Pisces, so it is at home and very strong here in this sign and spectrum of psycho-spiritual energy.

With the new moon in Gemini in a tense square with Neptune in Pisces, we need to be mindful of these lower expressions of Gemini and work to ground ourselves in our bodies and connect with our own intuitive wisdom and guidance. In astrology, square aspects signal a conversation between two planets/parts of our soul that can feel uncomfortable but ultimately lead to soul growth and integration through conflict, if we can remain open and flexible.

One way to approach this is through the lens of ancestral healing. By recognizing and releasing limiting intergenerational patterns, we can break free from 3D separation consciousness and step into our full potential as spiritual beings having a human experience, with our own unique energetic signature that we’re meant to fully embody, express, and celebrate. This new moon in Gemini is the perfect time to begin this process. Take some time to connect with your ancestors, light a candle or work with Frankincense (oil or incense), and ask for their guidance and support as you let go of what no longer serves you.

Another way to get back into our bodies and connect with our own inner wisdom is through guided pleasure practices (with or without the crystal egg, my favorite self-healing tool for embodied transformation). In my experience, pleasure is the medicine and fuel that sustains us along our ancestral healing journeys. You don’t anyone’s permission to experience it because it is YOURS. Yours to create with (your sexual energy and creative energy are one in the same) and yours to enjoy. Your pleasure is your power, beloved!

Joining a pleasure practice and intention setting circle for the new moon in Gemini can help you start to break free from limiting patterns and activate your divine, erotic intelligence - basically, your magic as a female-bodied being. The Astro-Ancestral Healing Collective is my monthly membership for female-bodied "cycle-breakers" seeking to transform deep ancestral wounds into creative potential and shifts to higher consciousness. Our unique blend of astrology, guided pleasure practices, and guest teacher workshops can help you ignite your creativity, divine erotic intelligence, and power. Learn more about the collective and join us here.

As we work with the energy of the new moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces, it is important to check in with what is truly meaningful to you. What are you giving your mental energy to? Is it really necessary? Why and what for? By connecting to and trusting what cannot be seen, touched, or known (what’s beyond the 3D) and getting back into our bodies, we can gain more perspective on our energy in the long term and make changes to our routines or spiritual practices as needed.

Remember to be gentle with yourself during this time and trust in the process. This new moon in Gemini is a time of transformation and growth, and by getting out of our heads and aligning with our inner, intuitive wisdom, you can step into a brighter future where embodied joy, happiness, and abundance is your baseline experience. Your healed, whole, and abundant ancestors want you to feel good in your body. Because, when you feel good, they feel good.

Peace & love,


P.S. Learn about all the perks of joining the “Astro-Ancestral Healing Collective” Monthly Membership and secure your spot in the New Moon in Gemini pleasure practice and intention setting circle here.


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