Working With Your Progressed Moon For Your Spiritual Growth And Evolution
When it comes to using astrology as a tool for spiritual growth and evolution, the Moon plays a pivotal role. It's the closest celestial body to us here on earth, and it's influence on our lives is undeniable. This is especially true for female-bodied beings who are the living embodiment of the Divine Feminine/Mother Earth, as our menstrual cycles align, more or less, with the 28 day lunar cycle.
Connected to our most personal energies and needs, the placement of your natal moon (where the moon was at the exact moment of your birth) reveals the internal processes and energetics around how your emotions are expressed and experienced, how you receive and respond to external energies, as well as your ancestral wounds.
Known as the “mother”, the moon shows us our feelings about home, family, our personal environment, and emotional fulfillment. When it comes to empowering ourselves as “cycle-breakers”, it’s important to recognize that the moon shows us what we need to take responsibility for giving to ourselves in order to feel balanced and at home in our own energy.
Recently I’ve become totally obsessed with progressed astrology, also known as secondary progressions. Progressed astrology is the practice of using the positions of celestial bodies to gain insights into the future and gain self-awareness. It is based on the idea that the positions of the planets in the sky at the time of a person’s birth are a blueprint of their life, and that as they age and the planets move, the blueprint evolves.
Your progressed moon is the moon's position in your chart at any given moment. It changes over time and can be used to indicate the current phase you are in when it comes to your emotional needs and how that is impacting your life.
It moves about one degree per month and changes signs every 27 to 30 months, roughly every 2.5 years. So, each time it moves into a new astrological sign it’s like you’re starting a new “masterclass” in learning how your emotional energy works within the expression of that sign. When the progressed Moon changes signs, it’s taking you into new parts of your emotional experience, shifting how your energy feels on daily basis, and how your needs are expanding or moving into different places you wouldn’t have previously considered.
When the progressed moon changes houses (different areas of life where you will experience specific energies), there is a new focus on your needs inside that particular house. I’ll use myself as an example…
My natal moon is at 19 degrees Virgo in the 5th house. Virgo is the sign of the “discerning herbalist”. It’s very grounded, service-oriented, and focused on growth/improvement, but can be extremely perfectionistic. I’ve had to learn (the hard way) to temper this over the years as nothing good would ever come out of beating myself up. Its location in the 5th house shows that creative self-expression, having fun, experiencing pleasure, and embracing my inner child is essential to my emotional fulfillment. This is my emotional blueprint.
Fast forward 40+ years, my progressed Moon moved into the 12th house of the “unseen”, the subconscious mind, spirituality, secrets, trust, reflection, the undoing of the ego, internal transformations, finding meaning, and re-aligning with ultimate truth and love of who we really are on March 17th, 2021.
Interestingly, this was only a couple of weeks before I ended a 5-year relationship after finally realizing that I had an unconscious belief that I didn’t deserve to be happy and that other people’s emotional well-being was more important than my own. A few months later, on July 16th, 2021, my progressed Moon moved from the sign of Aries to Taurus.
Currently, my progressed Moon is at 20 degrees Taurus in the 12th house (it moved from Pisces to Aries on March 26, 2019, right after my 41st birthday). Just like my natal moon in Virgo, Taurus is a practical earth sign, so the energy is not so unfamiliar to me. However, I’ve noticed my emotional needs have shifted towards being in relationships that feel harmonious, peaceful, comfortable, and like “home”, which are very much aligned with Taurus energy. While I’m focused on building the inner emotional security to accommodate change in its positive expression, at the same time I have to balance that with its negative expression of becoming stagnant or overly materialistic.
Looking ahead, towards the end of this year, on December 7th, 2023, my progressed Moon will move from Taurus to Gemini. For the next 2.5 years (roughly), with Gemini being the sign of mutable air, my emotional needs will shift more towards the mental realm, curiosity, communication, learning and sharing life-enhancing information with others. Less than a year later, my progressed Moon will move out of the 12th house and into the 1st house, beginning a whole new 27-30 year cycle through the 12 houses on August 30th, 2024.
Believe it or not, there are not only more layers to your progressed astrology chart, but also more layers to your progressed Moon. Stay tuned as I’ll be sharing more about the “progressed lunation cycle” next.
Peace & love,
Are you feeling called to receive a “Progressed Chart Reading”? If you are a new client, you will need to receive a Life Path Astrology™ Reading first, which you can book here for $333.00.
If you’re an existing client who has already received a Life Path Astrology™ Reading, your can book your “Progressed Chart Reading” here for only $111.00 (the price will increase to $222.00 March 1st, 2023).
However, if you’re new to my work and would like to receive both sessions, I have a special offer right now called the “Astro-Bundle” which includes both sessions at a generous discount for only $399.00 ($555 Value). You can get your “Astro-Bundle” here.