New moon solar eclipse in aries

It’s eclipse season! This week, the new moon solar eclipse in Aries will be exact the evening of April 19th on the west coast, and early in the morning of April 20th for folks on the east coast.

This celestial event marks a time of change and new beginnings. The energy of Aries is fiery, passionate, and fearless. The solar eclipse intensifies this energy, making it a time of powerful transformation, significant life changes, and new directions.

There are a few reasons why the energy of this eclipse in particular is going to be SO potent. Firstly, this eclipse will be happening at the 29th degree, also known as the “anaretic” degree or “degree of fate” in astrology, of Aries. The anaretic degree is the last degree of any sign, and it represents a sense of urgency and crisis. The energy of this degree is intense, and it signifies the need to complete something before moving onto the next phase of our lives.

In Aries, the sign of cardinal fire, the anaretic degree represents a sense of urgency to take action and to pursue our passions with fervor. It’s a culmination point that marks the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. You might even experience it as the “beginning of the end”, consisting of a “test” on the growth opportunities of this sign. So, what have you learned about leadership, taking initiative, courage, and independence? Also, right after this, the Sun moves into the sign of Taurus, which is a completely different energy of fixed earth. It’s grounded, practical, and supports us into bringing our ideas into manifestation in the physical realm.

Secondly, this eclipse makes a square aspect to Pluto at 0 degrees Aquarius. In Life Path Astrology™, Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, represents the transformational work of each generation. It reveals our “shadows” - what we don’t want other people to see. Collectively, Pluto’s journey through Aquarius (lasting around 20 years), will deconstruct and permanently redefine our relationship with the internet, social media, websites, e-commerce, science, ethics, morals, metaphysics, and humanitarianism. A square aspect between this eclipse and Pluto indicates a tense dynamic, but one of productive conflict if we can remain open and flexible.

Thirdly, Mercury, the planet of what we think and talk about about, will station retrograde at 15 degrees of Taurus on April 21st. So, right after this eclipse moves exact, we will be invited to implement pragmatic revisions to all that we’ve started to initiate during Aries season. Until Mercury begins to move direct again on May 11th, we’ll have an opportunity to revisit what matters to us, such as our finances for example, to evaluate what is no longer needed going forward or paying off.

My advice for navigating these cosmic tides: lay low, go with the flow, and surrender to the big changes that you may already be experiencing. These energetic shifts are happening for our soul's growth and evolution and are ultimately paving the way for our next big adventure in this life, even if they are often uncomfortable in the moment. Stay grounded, my loves!

New moon solar eclipse in Aries blessings to you!

Peace & love,


PS - If you’re craving more support at this time or want to dive deeper into how this eclipse will be affecting you personally, I’d love to work with you! Visit and book an “Intuitive Energy Reading” for $111.00, “Ancestral Insight Session” for $250.00, or “Life Path Astrology™ Reading” for $333.00. For returning clients only, I’m offering “Progressed Chart Readings” for $222.00.


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