Humans are complex & messy

How are you digesting the energetic shifts of last week's new moon solar eclipse in Aries? 

I didn't do this purposely, but it was totally divinely ordained that I scheduled my first acupuncture appointment in over a year last Thursday, the morning after the eclipse perfected on west coast.

I felt so light afterwards! To keep the party going, I decided to take additional time to lie down and listen to a guided meditation that I know puts me into a deep state of relaxation so that I could continue integrating the resetting of my nervous system. 

It was so lovely!

Then, I attended a wonderful virtual event hosted by my dear friend and sister, Carli Jo, called “High on Pleasure” in celebration of 4/20. In this space, she expertly guided participants to engage with cannabis in ritual and with intention to increase our ability to access the many different flavors of pleasure available to us in our bodies. 

Rewiring our relationship with pleasure is a form of ancestral healing and is something I address with all of my private clients and inside my workshops. However, it was absolutely magical to be on the other side of this in a space guided and held by one of my extremely talented sisters, Carli Jo. I just needed to receive.

The funny thing is that I almost didn't attend this event. I was in such a peaceful trance after my guided meditation that I questioned whether or not I had the energy to be in community with others. Thankfully, I decided I was invited for a reason and made the effort to show up. I'm SO glad that I did!

After noticing some resistance in my mind and body around continuing to pour into myself after such a blissful morning and early afternoon, I had some MAJOR breakthroughs that brought me to tears!

I had some unconscious limiting beliefs I was STILL carrying in regards to not feeling worthy of experiencing the embodied joy of receiving all my ancestors' blessings for my life because I haven't been “perfect”.

This is all BS because humans are complex and messy (unlike the AI art I’ve included here)

Sure, I've made plenty of “mistakes” along the way, but it doesn't mean that I'm unworthy or undeserving of experiencing my wildest dreams in all areas of my life - especially when it comes to my work in the world.

I also realized that I've been focusing too much of my energy lately trying to make myself palatable to “Corporate America” and other traditional institutions.

While I've learned so much from my experiences working in both spaces, I don't think it's where I ultimately belong. Others have followed this path and found happiness but I'm feeling pretty certain these days that it is NOT my path.

Of course, I'll still consider consulting contracts on a case-by-case basis,

However, my healing practice is what gives me the most joy and satisfaction.

Whether I'm working with a private coaching client, giving a reading, or leading one of my workshops, I get to be my authentic self AND feel appreciated for it. 

I'm taking this week in between eclipses (we have another next week on May 5th), to continue to reflect on and integrate these new awarenesses. 

I truly feel liberated and more inspired than I have in a while!

I also wanted to follow up in case you missed the invite to the “Soul Business Initiation” Virtual Summit, happening May 8th-15th.

This is going to be an incredible opportunity to download a whole new mindset around creating your soul business, and I don’t want you to miss out!

You’re going to be hearing from a panel of speakers who are sure to inspire you with their own soul business initiation stories, and are ready to pass on invaluable resources so you can take grounded action right away.

Also, I’m going to be participating as a speaker and I’d love to see you there!

Sign up today, because you’re not going to want to miss it! Click here to learn more and save your spot.

Peace & love,


PS -

Are you feeling called to receive extra support integrating the energetic shifts of this eclipse season? Book an “Intuitive Energy Reading” with me ($111.00) here.


integrating the full moon lunar eclipse in scorpio


New moon solar eclipse in aries